



S5D3 Mikrokontroller Målbräda används inom inbyggda systemutveckling, lämplig för tillämpningar inom konsumentelektronik, industriell automation och IoT-enheter. Den möjliggör för ingenjörer att prototypa och testa design effektivt, vilket underlättar utvecklingen av innovativa lösningar inom olika sektorer.
Detaljerad specifikation
Detaljerad specifikation
S5D3 Mikrokontroller Målkort 0.032768MHz/120MHz CPU 256KB RAM 8KB/512KB Data Flash/Flash
S5D3 Mikrokontroller Målkort 0.032768MHz/120MHz CPU 256KB RAM 8KB/512KB Data Flash/Flash
Beskrivning (eng)
Beskrivning (eng)
The Renesas S5D3 Microcontroller Target Board (MPN: YSTBS5D3E10) is designed for embedded system development, featuring a 0.032768MHz/120MHz CPU, 256KB of RAM, and options for 8KB or 512KB of Data Flash/Flash memory. This target board provides a robust platform for evaluating and developing applications using the S5D3 microcontroller, enabling engineers to prototype and test their designs efficiently. Its versatile architecture supports a wide range of embedded applications, making it an essential tool for developers in the field.
The Renesas S5D3 Microcontroller Target Board (MPN: YSTBS5D3E10) is designed for embedded system development, featuring a 0.032768MHz/120MHz CPU, 256KB of RAM, and options for 8KB or 512KB of Data Flash/Flash memory. This target board provides a robust platform for evaluating and developing applications using the S5D3 microcontroller, enabling engineers to prototype and test their designs efficiently. Its versatile architecture supports a wide range of embedded applications, making it an essential tool for developers in the field.
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
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