



Omron R88M-1L2K030C-S2 är idealisk för industriella automationsapplikationer, inklusive robotik, CNC-maskiner och transportsystem. Dess höga vridmoment och precisa kontrollmöjligheter gör den lämplig för uppgifter som kräver noggrann positionering och hastighetskontroll. Integrationen av EtherCAT-kommunikation förbättrar dess prestanda i komplexa automationsmiljöer, vilket säkerställer sömlös anslutning till andra enheter.
2KW 480V 3000RPM S2 1S MTR
2KW 480V 3000RPM S2 1S MTR
Detaljerad specifikation
Detaljerad specifikation
Beskrivning (eng)
Beskrivning (eng)
The Omron R88M-1L2K030C-S2 is a 2 kW AC servo motor designed for high-performance applications. It operates at 480V and 3000 RPM, featuring a battery-free system for reduced maintenance. The motor is equipped with a 23-bit ABS encoder and supports EtherCAT communications, ensuring efficient integration into automation systems. Its compact design allows for easy installation and wiring, making it suitable for various industrial applications.
The Omron R88M-1L2K030C-S2 is a 2 kW AC servo motor designed for high-performance applications. It operates at 480V and 3000 RPM, featuring a battery-free system for reduced maintenance. The motor is equipped with a 23-bit ABS encoder and supports EtherCAT communications, ensuring efficient integration into automation systems. Its compact design allows for easy installation and wiring, making it suitable for various industrial applications.
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
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Nicklas Johansson
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