



LFXTAL030234 är lämplig för industriella och konsumentelektronikapplikationer, inklusive tidskretsar, oscillatorer och frekvenskontroll i enheter som kräver exakt frekvensstabilitet och låg effektförbrukning.
Detaljerad specifikation
Detaljerad specifikation
Kristaller 8MHz 22pF -20C 70C
Kristaller 8MHz 22pF -20C 70C
Beskrivning (eng)
Beskrivning (eng)
The LFXTAL030234 is an industry-standard SMD quartz crystal with a frequency of 8.0MHz and a load capacitance of 22pF. It features a frequency tolerance of ±30.00ppm at 25°C and operates within a temperature range of -20°C to 70°C. The crystal is hermetically sealed and designed for high reliability in various applications.
The LFXTAL030234 is an industry-standard SMD quartz crystal with a frequency of 8.0MHz and a load capacitance of 22pF. It features a frequency tolerance of ±30.00ppm at 25°C and operates within a temperature range of -20°C to 70°C. The crystal is hermetically sealed and designed for high reliability in various applications.
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
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Gustaf Eriksson
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