



90-graders kabelkontakt används vanligtvis inom telekommunikation, industriell utrustning och fordonsapplikationer där utrymmesbegränsningar och orientering är avgörande. Den säkerställer pålitliga elektriska anslutningar och utmärkt signalintegritet, vilket gör den lämplig för högpresterande system som kräver pålitlig anslutning.
Detaljerad specifikation
Detaljerad specifikation
90Graders Kabeluttag
90Graders Kabeluttag
Beskrivning (eng)
Beskrivning (eng)
The Amphenol C040C0FB0350701 is a 90-degree cable socket designed for reliable electrical connections in various applications. This component features a robust design that ensures durability and performance in demanding environments. It is suitable for use in telecommunications, industrial equipment, and automotive applications where space constraints and orientation are critical. The socket is engineered to provide excellent signal integrity and mechanical stability, making it an ideal choice for high-performance systems requiring dependable connectivity.
The Amphenol C040C0FB0350701 is a 90-degree cable socket designed for reliable electrical connections in various applications. This component features a robust design that ensures durability and performance in demanding environments. It is suitable for use in telecommunications, industrial equipment, and automotive applications where space constraints and orientation are critical. The socket is engineered to provide excellent signal integrity and mechanical stability, making it an ideal choice for high-performance systems requiring dependable connectivity.
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
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