



ICS9112AG-27 används inom fordons- och industriella tillämpningar, specifikt för PCI- och PCI-X-system som kräver hög hastighet för klockdistribution. Dess låga skew och jitteregenskaper gör den idealisk för att upprätthålla signalintegritet i högpresterande datormiljöer.
Detaljerad specifikation
Detaljerad specifikation
Klockbuffert Low SKEW BUFFER
Klockbuffert Low SKEW BUFFER
Beskrivning (eng)
Beskrivning (eng)
The ICS9112AG-27 is a high-performance, low-skew, low-jitter PCI/PCI-X clock driver designed for distributing high-speed signals in PCI/PCI-X applications. It operates at frequencies from 0 to 140 MHz with less than 200 ps jitter and skew-controlled outputs of less than 100 ps. The device supports 3.3V ±10% operation and is characterized for -40°C to 85°C, making it suitable for automotive and industrial applications.
The ICS9112AG-27 is a high-performance, low-skew, low-jitter PCI/PCI-X clock driver designed for distributing high-speed signals in PCI/PCI-X applications. It operates at frequencies from 0 to 140 MHz with less than 200 ps jitter and skew-controlled outputs of less than 100 ps. The device supports 3.3V ±10% operation and is characterized for -40°C to 85°C, making it suitable for automotive and industrial applications.
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
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Nicklas Johansson
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