



FIVISTOP 4035VV23-45 är lämplig för industriella tillämpningar som kräver vibrationsisolering och stötupptagning. Dess robusta design möjliggör effektiv användning i olika mekaniska system, vilket säkerställer stabilitet och prestanda i dynamiska miljöer.
Detaljerad specifikation
Detaljerad specifikation
FIVISTOP - 4035VV23-45 - Trumformad kärna, Typ VV, Hane - Hane, 40 mm (1.57 in) Dia, 35 mm (1.38 in) H, M8 x 23, 45 IRHD
FIVISTOP - 4035VV23-45 - Trumformad kärna, Typ VV, Hane - Hane, 40 mm (1.57 in) Dia, 35 mm (1.38 in) H, M8 x 23, 45 IRHD
Beskrivning (eng)
Beskrivning (eng)
FIVISTOP 4035VV23-45 is a Type VV Bobbin Mount designed for versatile applications in compression or shear. It features a male-male configuration with a diameter of 40 mm and a height of 35 mm. The mount is constructed from natural rubber with a hardness of 45 IRHD and includes zinc plated steel end sections with M8 x 23 threads.
FIVISTOP 4035VV23-45 is a Type VV Bobbin Mount designed for versatile applications in compression or shear. It features a male-male configuration with a diameter of 40 mm and a height of 35 mm. The mount is constructed from natural rubber with a hardness of 45 IRHD and includes zinc plated steel end sections with M8 x 23 threads.
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
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Petra Målberg
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