



Telemecanique XMLBS35R2S11 är avsedd för industriella tillämpningar, specifikt som en tryckbrytare för att styra luft- och hydrauloljesystem. Den är lämplig för miljöer som kräver noggrann tryckreglering mellan två trösklar, med robust prestanda under varierande förhållanden.
Detaljerad specifikation
Detaljerad specifikation
Industriella trycksensorer PRESSURE SWITCH XML
Industriella trycksensorer PRESSURE SWITCH XML
Beskrivning (eng)
Beskrivning (eng)
The Telemecanique XMLBS35R2S11 is an electromechanical pressure switch designed for industrial applications. It features an adjustable scale with two thresholds, a pressure rating of 5.08 psi (0.35 bar), and operates within a temperature range of 32…320 °F (0…160 °C). The device includes a local display and is suitable for controlling air and hydraulic oil. It has a maximum permissible accidental pressure of 543.89 psi (37.5 bar) and a destruction pressure of 979.00 psi (67.5 bar).
The Telemecanique XMLBS35R2S11 is an electromechanical pressure switch designed for industrial applications. It features an adjustable scale with two thresholds, a pressure rating of 5.08 psi (0.35 bar), and operates within a temperature range of 32…320 °F (0…160 °C). The device includes a local display and is suitable for controlling air and hydraulic oil. It has a maximum permissible accidental pressure of 543.89 psi (37.5 bar) and a destruction pressure of 979.00 psi (67.5 bar).
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
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Lukas Wallin
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