



SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BMXFCC203 tjockfilmsmotstånd används främst inom industriell automation, specifikt för att ansluta I/O-moduler i Modicon X80-system. Dess robusta design och kompatibilitet med Telefast Advantys ABE7 underkapslar gör den lämplig för olika tillämpningar som kräver pålitlig och effektiv datatransmission.
Detaljerad specifikation
Detaljerad specifikation
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - BMXFCC203 - KABELSATS, 40VÄG, 2000mm (78.74 inches)
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - BMXFCC203 - KABELSATS, 40VÄG, 2000mm (78.74 inches)
Beskrivning (eng)
Beskrivning (eng)
The SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BMXFCC203 is a preformed cord set designed for Modicon X80 applications. It features a 40-way terminal with 2 HE10 connectors, suitable for M340 I/O modules. The cord set has a length of 2 m (6.56 ft) and includes 40 wires with a wire section of 0.324 mm². It is ideal for reliable electrical connections in industrial automation systems.
The SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BMXFCC203 is a preformed cord set designed for Modicon X80 applications. It features a 40-way terminal with 2 HE10 connectors, suitable for M340 I/O modules. The cord set has a length of 2 m (6.56 ft) and includes 40 wires with a wire section of 0.324 mm². It is ideal for reliable electrical connections in industrial automation systems.
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
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Nicklas Johansson
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