



Schurter 3-123-506 är utformad för industriella tillämpningar, särskilt i miljöer som kräver högpresterande elektromagnetisk interferens (EMI) filtrering. Typiska tillämpningar inkluderar frekvensomvandlare, stegmotordrivningar, UPS-system och växelriktare, vilket säkerställer överensstämmelse med IEC-standarder för säkerhet och prestanda.
Detaljerad specifikation
Detaljerad specifikation
Strömlinjefilter FMBC EP FILTER 3PH 2ST 64A 760VAC LL
Strömlinjefilter FMBC EP FILTER 3PH 2ST 64A 760VAC LL
Beskrivning (eng)
Beskrivning (eng)
The Schurter 3-123-506 is a 2-stage 3-phase AC filter designed for high attenuation in industrial applications. It operates at a rated current of 64 A and a voltage of 760 VAC. The filter features screw clamps for terminal connections, a metal housing, and operates within a temperature range of -40 °C to 100 °C. It is suitable for use in frequency converters, UPS systems, and inverters, providing protection against interference voltage from the mains.
The Schurter 3-123-506 is a 2-stage 3-phase AC filter designed for high attenuation in industrial applications. It operates at a rated current of 64 A and a voltage of 760 VAC. The filter features screw clamps for terminal connections, a metal housing, and operates within a temperature range of -40 °C to 100 °C. It is suitable for use in frequency converters, UPS systems, and inverters, providing protection against interference voltage from the mains.
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
Kan beställas hos Westcomp
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